Somebody I used to work with told me that I was such a domesticated woman....I was immediately put off, taken aback, shocked....speechless, all that! I didn't know what she came out so suddenly, and baring all self esteem issues at the time, I thought she was degrading me without degrading me. I was knitting at the time, and talking to other people then about my love for creating things.
Flash forward to today, I just had the domesticated word run through my brain and I realized its not bad to be a domesticated female. I am someone who loves to knit, crochet, recently learning to sew....I want to garden, to create shelves for the house, build one of a kind things for the house....yeah, domesticated. I like to do hair, I like to make beauty products that work for my hair. I love to experiment with spa all around I think I'm 100% woman. Not meant to be a housewife, even though I could probably adapt. Not meant to just be a mom, even though I'm pretty good at that so far. I am a well rounded top grade of woman that is pretty much nonexistent these days. Many women I run into always say, "oh you knit, I always wanted to learn but....." or "I don't have time for that...I'll just buy it from the store". I can admit that everything that I know how to do is by no means what I do every day. I do maintain a full time job and have three daughters to raise. Fiddling with arts and crafts doesn't pay the bills or feed the kiddies. But I will say this, when somebody pops a button off of a shirt, I can sew it back on. When somebody skins their knee, I don't have to run for a band aid, I got alternatives. If its cold and I'm bored at home, (there's only so much reality TV you can watch) I can knock out a few scarves and hats just because. I have projects going all the time because I'm an all the time type of woman.
There's more to me than just being a mom and girlfriend and friend. I like digging in the dirt and watching life sprout because I remembered to water the plants. I haven't succeeded in getting my veggies to grow yet...but I'm still trying. So my life is filled with domestication....I love it, I actually live for it. I can braid hair, style hair, sew a zipper, hem a skirt. I can bake some bread, scale a fish and even hang a shelf or two. I can kill the bugs, get rid of the cobwebs and all that in between stuff. Proud to be me. A domesticated WOMAN!
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